Unlock Garlic's  Full Potential!

Discover the secret to keeping garlic fresh and full of zest, transforming it into a culinary superstar in your kitchen.

The Essentials of  Garlic Storage

Proper storage is key! Garlic loves a dark, cool, and well-ventilated spot. Say goodbye to sprouting and mold.

Perfect  Storage Solutions

Opt for mesh bags, paper bags, or a ceramic garlic keeper. Remember, air circulation is garlic's best friend.

Lifespan of Freshness

Whole bulbs can last 3-5 months, while unpeeled cloves stay fresh for 1-2 months. Keep an eye out for any changes.

Peeled Garlic Care

Store peeled cloves in a small container with a paper towel to absorb moisture, and they'll last about a week in the fridge.

Minced Garlic Magic

Mix minced garlic with a bit of olive oil and store it in the fridge. Use within a week for the best flavor and freshness.

The Art of  Freezing Garlic

Freeze peeled or minced garlic for long-term storage. Perfect for adding a burst of flavor to dishes anytime you need.

Choosing the  Best Garlic

Pick firm, heavy heads with dry skin. Freshness ensures longer shelf life and better flavor in your cooking.

Common Mistakes  to Avoid

Say no to plastic bags and the fridge for whole bulbs. Keep your garlic in the right conditions for maximum longevity.

SWIPE UP TO SEE:  Unlock the Secret to Longer-Lasting Garlic: Storage Tips You Need to Know!