The Perfect  Potato Problem

Discover the secret to keeping your potatoes fresh for weeks! Are you making this common storage mistake?

Lifespan of a Spud

Did you know? Properly stored, potatoes can last 3-5 weeks in the pantry and up to 4 months in a cool, dark place. Say goodbye to frequent shopping trips!

Creating the Ideal Potato Haven

Balance is key! Potatoes crave a cool (45 F to 50 F), dark, and well-ventilated spot to maintain their texture and flavor.

The Humidity Hack

Too dry or too moist? Find the sweet spot with 80% to 90% humidity for your potatoes. Perforated bags or a root cellar can be your  best bet.

Beware of  Bad Company

Keep your spuds away from onions and fruits that emit ethylene gas, speeding up spoilage. Potatoes prefer the quiet company of other root veggies.

Dark Secret

Light exposure is a no-go! It turns your potatoes green and toxic. Store them in darkness to avoid the risk of solanine.

Spot Check

Routine inspections keep the bad apples (or potatoes) from spoiling the bunch. Weekly checks can save your stash from  sprouting or rotting.

First In, First Out

Maximize your potato shelf life with a simple organization strategy. Use the oldest ones first to keep your supply fresh and flavorful.

Trouble in  Potato Paradise?

Sprouting, shrinking, or discoloration—know how to tackle common potato problems and when it's time to let go.

SWIPE UP TO SEE:  Is Your Fridge Ruining Your Fries? The Shocking Truth About Potato Storage