Introducing a Culinary Delight

Discover a refreshing twist on salad with our Vegan Couscous & Tofu Salad – your new go-to dish!

What You'll Need

Start with simple, fresh ingredients: dry couscous, firm tofu, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lemons, olive oil, and your favorite fresh herbs.

Couscous Prep  Made Easy

Boil water with a pinch of salt, add couscous, stir, cover, and let it sit off the heat. In 5 minutes, you'll have fluffy couscous ready to cool.

Golden Tofu Cubes

Pan-fry tofu in olive oil until each piece is deliciously golden. The perfect protein-packed addition to your salad.

Freshness in  Every Bite

Chop your tomatoes and cucumber into bite-sized pieces. Fresh, crisp, and ready for the mix.

Toss It Up

Combine the couscous, crispy tofu, chopped veggies, and fresh herbs in a large bowl. Drizzle with lemon juice and olive oil for that zesty kick.

Season to Perfection

Add salt and pepper to taste. Every bite is a blend of savory flavors and fresh zest.

Serve & Savor

Serve this light yet satisfying dish as a side or a main meal. It's versatile, vibrant, and utterly delicious.

Your Salad, Your Way

Feel free to add extras like kalamata olives, red peppers, or vegan feta. This salad is all about making it your own.

SWIPE UP TO SEE:  Couscous & Tofu: The Vegan Salad  You Need!